Wednesday, August 11, 2010

And So It Begins... Again

So it begins again- the ever ending cycle of on again off again work outs. This time I swear I'm going to stick with it by writing this blog. You, my lovely readers, will get to read on what I've managed to do work out wise (or haven't manged to do) and diet wise as I start my quest to get back into a healthy BMI.

I'll admit I'm doing this one out of selfish reasons- but it might be the kick in the pants that I've needed for the past year. My ex roomie has managed to loose 20lbs and two dress sizes- something I've tried to do for the past year only to gain it all back and stopping the routine as I switch from unemployment to work to a different job and to yet another job. But this time I swear its going to work.

What kills me with the whole weight loss/diet and exercise thing that I have to do now is the fact I used to be an athlete. Granted I was overweight then- but I've gained 30lbs since I competed in swimming. I used to train daily or even twice daily with work out partners (which have been sadly lacking). Tomorrow morning will be the first day of the more intense work outs.

I've developed a plan you see. I have work out DVDs that range in 20 minutes of intense training to an hour and a half. The plan is to do the 20 minute training in the morning to start my metabolism, and then end the day with the longer exercise routine to get my fiance who won't wake up with me to do it. Yes I could go to a gym, but to be honest I'm cheap- I don't want to spend the money when in the past the tradition was to used the membership for 3-5 months and then stop, being stuck in a contract for the rest of the year. I believe that through writing out my frustrations and weight and measurements on here I might actually stick with this. Yes you do have permission to yell if I do not. So here we go people the pre-day one stats:

Age: 23
Sex: Female
Weight: 216
Height: 63 inches
Waist: 43 inches
Hips: 50 inches
Neck: 15 inches
Bust: 48 inches
Thighs: 29 inches
Arms: 14.5 inches

The weigh in will be every other day, the measurements once a week. I figure as long as one or the other goes down I'll be doing something right.

This will not just be an exercise blog and how much I really truly dislike anything on land- but also on my diet. I will not be dieting per say, but more of posting the meals that I've had during the day, and possibly recipes here and there. Please note I generally don't measure when I cook- nor do I use a recipe from any book. Most of these dishes will be based off of something I've seen or tasted and I've liked. I have no plans to give up everything under the sun like a lot of diets do. What I plan to do is eat the way I know how- healthy food in moderation, splurging once in a blue moon, but exercising those calories away with a harder work out the next day.

So 6am tomorrow starts day 1! Talk to you after the work out!

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